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What Does It Mean If I Have an Enlarged Prostate?

Understanding a new medical diagnosis can be challenging. If you’ve recently found out you have an enlarged prostate — officially called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) — you probably have many questions. 

At Urological Associates in Charlottesville, Virginia, our board-certified providers want you to have all the answers so you can better understand your new diagnosis. 

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you understand what it means to have BPH and the services we offer to treat and manage the condition. Take a moment to learn what you need to know about BPH and treatments for this common condition.

What exactly is an enlarged prostate?

The prostate gland surrounds the top of your urethra and produces seminal fluids. It starts at about the size of a walnut and begins growing in your 20s. 

The prostate gland continues to grow for the rest of your life. When the gland gets too big, you’re diagnosed with BPH. About a fourth of men have BPH by age 55, and by age 60, the number rises to about half of men. By age 85, over 90% of men have an enlarged prostate. 

Scientists aren’t sure why the gland continues to grow, but research has linked BPH to aging. That means the older you are, the more likely it is you’ll develop an enlarged prostate. 

Other factors that increase your chances of getting BPH include a family history of enlarged prostate, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Rising testosterone levels and cellular changes in the testicles also have been associated with BPH.

What happens if I have an enlarged prostate?

BHP isn’t the same as prostate cancer, and having BPH doesn’t mean you’re at a higher risk for developing prostate cancer. There are even some studies that show having BPH reduces your risk of prostate cancer. 

However, there are some uncomfortable symptoms caused by BPH that can get in the way of your regular activities. Some symptoms include difficulty urinating, frequent urges to urinate, pain during urination, and changes to your urine’s smell or color. 

Additional symptoms associated with BPH may include:

Fortunately, there are treatments to help manage your uncomfortable symptoms. Our providers at Urological Associates are experienced in providing safe and effective BPH treatment. 

Are there any complications from BPH?

As with most medical conditions, leaving BPH untreated can lead to more severe symptoms over time. Serious complications needing medical intervention can arise if BPH isn’t treated, such as:

If you develop these conditions, you may not be able to urinate, you might experience pain while urinating, or notice blood in your urine. Call us immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.

Is there treatment for BPH?

Every treatment plan for BPH is different and based on your unique needs. We review your medical history, overall health, age, prostate gland size, and severity of symptoms. 

Then, we develop a customized treatment plan to treat and manage your enlarged prostate. Your plan might include medication to help you urinate or reduce your prostate’s size.

Depending on your condition, we may recommend minimally invasive laser surgery to reduce the size of your prostate. 

We’re also pleased to offer the innovative UroLift® System — a one-time treatment that lifts your prostate away from the urethra, allowing urine to flow easily and ending your uncomfortable symptoms immediately. 

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help with an enlarged prostate, schedule a consultation with one of our providers. Give us a call to schedule an appointment at Urological Associates in Charlottesville, Virginia, today!

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